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Serial Port Component For Lazarus In The Bible


Download TurboPower Async Professional for free. Async Professional is a comprehensive communications toolkit for Embarcadero Delphi, C++Builder, & ActiveX environments. It provides direct access to serial ports, TAPI, and the Microsoft Speech...

Serial Port Component For Lazarus In The Bible

It was a fun project. The AMB system uses battery powered radio transponders on the cars (or horses, whatever you're racing) that pass over an antenna loop. The antenna is connected to a pricey box that does some fancy calculations to decide precisely when the transponders are passing over the center of the loop. It then sends data about the transponder crossings to the computer over the serial port.

As far as GIS I mainly use Delphi and a third party component called TatukGIS. It's amazing, cheap, royalty free, and is VERY versitle. Connects to ESRI, AutoCAD, ArcGIS server; you name it. If you look into it tell them Eric Meadows sent you. They'll give some attention! They are in Poland and they're support is the best. I think they have someone there 24hrs and I believe there's only 3 or 4 developers...! Also look on ESRI's ArcScript site for Delphi componets. There's a developer there that has written the bible on using ESRI in Delphi.

Thanks. I have now overcome the problem by delving into the code. I assumed that the Delphi program was using the Firmata protocol. After looking again at the problem - I am not able to understand Spanish and therefore couldn't follow all the instructions on the website or I was being a bit gung-ho- I realized that the Delphi program needed a program on the arduino to read the serial port data sent from the connected PC. After I had uploaded the Processing language program to the arduino I got the LEDs to work. Thanks again for the offer to help.Best wishesDoc

Thanks DaveK. I have now solved the problem.I had been trying unsuccessfully to get the programming language Scratch working with the arduino, using the catenary interface program. This uses the Firmata protocol which, unless I have misunderstood, allows a program in the PC to send command lines for immeditae interpretation to the arduino. I assumed that the Delphi program operated similarly. But I discovered late last night this wasn't the case. I uploaded the pde program (I had overlooked in my endeavours what the purpose of this was) and everything worked. Of course,this program reads the serialport from the arduino end . Many thanks, Best wishes Doc. PS If anyone can shed light on why the Scratch-catenary cobinatuon didn't work for me a lot of 12-13 year-old students of mine and my colleagues would benefit.



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